Nature Happenings
- Project FeederWatch continues,
- Song Sparrows can be seen feeding on the ground.
- Barred Owl and Screech Owl mating seasons.
- Bluebirds become more widespread and begin mating late in month.
- Courtship activities start for the White-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay and Downy Woodpecker.
- Wild Turkeys begin gobbling with males strutting and looking for mates.
- Western conifer seed bugs and ladybugs emerge and can appear in homes.
- Phoebes and Fox Sparrows begin to arrive.
- Inspect trees for Gypsy Moths on hardwood trees and remove any that you may find.
- March is a great month for watching waterfowl.
- Tree Swallows, female Red-winged Blackbirds and Grackles return.
- March 9th at 3am - Daylight Savings Time Begins "spring forward"
- March 14th - Full Moon
- March 20th - Spring Equinox
- March 29th - New Moon