Nature Happenings

  • New Moon - July 5th

  • Full Moon - July 21st

  • NABA National Butterfly count.
  • Joe-Pye Weed, Canada Lily, bee-balm, coneflower, Daylilies and Sarsaparilla are in bloom.
  • Blueberry and raspberry picking season starts mid-month.
  • Fireflies become abundant this month.
  • Katydids start calling late in the month.
  • Praying Mantis begin appearing in the yard.
  • Thistle plants begin to seed; goldfinches gather thistledown for nesting material.
  • Mallards and Wood Ducks molt into “eclipse” plumage and are unable to fly for several weeks.
  • Blackbirds begin to flock and appear at feeders.
  • Listen for the feeding screeches of young Barred and Great Horned Owls.
  • Fawns begin traveling with adult females.
  • Butterfly milkweed in bloom – look for Monarch butterfly adults, eggs and larva.
  • Delta Aquarids Meteor shower peaks in late-July.